Thursday, February 26, 2009

Earth Day ad by TIDE

cool visual.

the 3 screen room....

I used to do a presentation called the 2 screen room on how your internet connection was effected by TV viewing and vis-a-versa as broadband became the norm. Now with iphones and blackberrys there is a new screen in the room.

a snip-it:
Americans continue to consume video at a record pace. Consumers are watching more video than ever on
the three screens of television, Internet and mobile phones. Nielsen data show that the average television
viewer watches more than 151 hours of TV per month – an all-time high. Meanwhile Americans who watch
video over the Internet consume another 3 hours of monthly online video and those who use mobile video
watch nearly 4 hours per month on mobile phones and other devices.

click for the article

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

History of Marketing Vid

not a lot of new ideas here, but interesting animation nonetheless

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Crayons for pixels

click picture to go to link.


nun chucks can be used for every sport.

Ninja Turtles PSA

This video is crazy is the group that did it...not sure how many people are involved but I would guess alot.

Field Notes

I'm a huge fan of clean simple design. the use of negative space is just as important as the positive space. Its also a great retro feeling to the notebooks. Great durable goods as the website promotes. enjoy. Gonna order some as soon as I get the chance.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Love these guys....

branded iphone apps

I'm on the Phone!

So you want a branded iPhone app, huh? Well, first take a look at the good, bad and the ugly applications that are already on the market

Friday, February 20, 2009

Vintage Webcam

It's quite amazing to see what technology has
brought to fruition
and not brought to fruition.
For example, I've been waiting for
hover-board skateboards and floating cars from back to

the future for the last decade and a half.. On the other hand,
cars similar to the Delorian
have already been running on biodiesel
for the last few years.
The idea that you could video chat with
someone was a thing of science-fiction back then.
Just as cell
phones, GPS, and the internet have changed our lives, its normal
to think you
can see people in real time from half way across the
world. The convenience and candidness
of seeing the person your
talking to has led to its own cons. For instance, when your video

conferencing with someone, you can't multi task, you have to look
at the mirror to see how
you look, and you cant very well give bored
looking facial expressions and pick your nose..
haha .. All in all, the
webcam is great for long distance relationships and video conferencing

for multinational companies. Now all we need to do is add a firm hand
shake to close the deal.



This sounded like a great idea to sponsor content but when I tried to log on there seemed to have a few usability I couldn't log on.

full article:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A good example of an interactive agency's newletter

I have been getting this newsletter for a couple of years. Just that they find the time and have the discipline to keep it going is impressive but as an added bonus there work is really good. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome to Brainal Leakage

This is a blog that will be cool.